Saturday, March 31, 2007
Songs that Sorrow Sings
"don't carry the world upon your shoulders"
"but all the things that you've seen
will slowly fade away"
"it's such a shame for us to part"
"I'm tired of the song that sorrow sings"
"and if a double-decker bus
crashes into us
to die by your side
it's such a heavenly way to die"
"...if I thought that you would stay..."
"...and the whores like a choir
go 'Uh!'"
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Life On Mars, as performed by Neil Hannon and Yann Tiersen

Hay canciones a las que recurrimos como remedios milenarios. Son armas secretas, refugios seguros, salvavidas, extinguidores tras cristales que rompemos una y otra vez. Hay canciones que son plegarias y mantras. Nos recuerdan quienes somos y de dónde venimos. Cuando las cosas se ponen borrosas y las emociones son demasiadas y casi olvidamos quiénes solíamos ser volvemos a ellas como el sobreviviente se aferra al pedazo de madera que ha quedado del naufragio.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Maps, by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

She knew that tequila wasn't really his thing, but still that cold november night, she opened a bottle of Herradura. The reason? Maybe there was no reason. At least not for her. They had been at a mutual friend's party earlier. Around one in the morning she grew bored and told him: "Let's go to my place". So, they drove across the city, small-talking. When they got her place, she went to the kitchen and took out two glasses. Caballitos were never her thing. While she was pouring down the beverage, he observed her. They went out to the garden and drank. Not a word was spoken from either one of them. They didn't look at each other. They just sat there, drinking, feeling the cold breeze. She always out-drank him. No matter what the beverage was, he would always lose when he was drinking with her. By four in the morning, he rose and told her: "Gotta go". "Don't you want to sleep over?". He smiled and said nothing. They were too drunk. That would make them break their truce, their pact. He just kissed her goodnight and stepped out of the house. While he was driving home, radio threw away "Maps", he just pulled over and took him one hour to get himself together. After that night he couldn't see her in the eyes again.